Speech Therapy
At PsyGenics, we strive to understand the developmental needs of each individual. Our team of skilled Speech Therapists conduct a thorough evaluation and then use proven strength-based approaches to help you become a successful and confident communicator. Our strategies focus on skills such as:

• Pronunciation and Phonetics
• Language
• Memory and Organization
• Augmentative and Functional Communication
• Oral-motor Skill Development

Our Speech Therapists work closely with the multi-disciplinary team to ensure speech goals are targeted in all settings.

Occupational Therapy
Working with the entire lifespan, our highly trained Occupational Therapists understand the importance of active and meaningful participation in all areas of one’s life. Creating an individualized, practical and strength-based plan, our therapists are committed to your success. Treatment and home programs address areas such as:

• Activities of Daily Living
• Independent Living Skills
• Gross and Fine Motor Skills
• Sensory Integration
• Vocational Skills
• Community Integration

Remember, an “occupation” is anything you or your loved one does throughout the day that has meaning. Our Occupational Therapists are ready and eager to help you live your best life!